
SaveEnergy Carbon Capture Technology separates and purifies CO₂ from wood combustion flue gas. This is perfect for greenhouse fertilization, as it means they can get renewable heat and biogenic CO₂ from local wood combustion, and increasing CO₂ levels is a proven method to increase crop yields. However, horticulturists aiming to reduce their carbon footprint often face challenges in maintaining optimal CO₂ levels, as most available CO₂ is derived from fossil fuel combustion or processing. Producing biogenic CO₂ locally is more cost-effective than buying technical CO₂, plus it's always available and not affected by market changes.

  • Local production of renewable heat and biogenic CO₂ with a wood firing system

  • Reduced CO₂ costs

The heart of the SaveEnergy system is the heat management and the hortisol solvent, which was developed in-house.

SaveEnergy heat management
With SaveEnergy heat management, we recover 90% of the energy used for CO₂ capture and reuse it to heat the greenhouse.

  • Minimal energy needed for CO₂ capture thanks to SaveEnergy heat management

SaveEnergy solvent
We created hortisol, a salt-based, completely biodegradable and non-volatile solvent that is extremely robust. It’s ideal for compact CO₂ capture systems and makes for low-maintenance operation.

  • Low-maintenance and environmentally friendly operation with Hortisol

System integration
Getting the right dimensions and good system integration is key to keeping CO₂ production costs low. Wood-fired systems run in a heat-led way, making sure heat and CO₂ are used together. SaveEnergy helps customers with proper system sizing for a successful energy transformation.

Find out more about SaveEnergy products:

SaveEnergy CCU
Get in touch with SaveEnery, to start using biogenic and locally produced CO₂ in your greenhouse.